Natural and Ivory Striped Linen Twill Medium Ticking - $14.00 yd.


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Tickings or “ticken”, such as this Natural and Ivory Striped Linen Twill Medium Ticking, encompassed a group of twill woven linens. It was woven both as a plain twill and, in the case of most examples we have studied, a herringbone weave. Stays surviving in the collection of Dunvegan Castle, Scotland are covered in ticking and purported to have been owned by Flora McDonald, with a date of 1770-80.

  • Our Natural and Ivory Striped Linen Twill Medium Ticking is medium weight.
  • Suitable for gowns, jackets, men's waistcoats, stays, children’s clothing, linings, pockets, and other utilitarian needs; such as bed tickings and bolsters.
  • 100% Irish Linen, 64 inches wide.

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