Siskin Green & Bright Pink Crossbar Corded Silk - $25.00 yd.
Siskin Green & Bright Pink Crossbar Corded Silk
Chinese, Indian, Persian, English & French “taffety” or taffeta, such as this Siskin Green & Bright Pink Crossbar Corded Silk, were commonly advertised in the 18th and 19th centuries. Woven plain, they were made in a variety of colors, some changeable, some “chine” or warp printed, some with stripes, checks and patterns. After the American Revolution, great quantities of silk came to the colonies directly from China, including taffetas, satins and lustrings. Simple patterns could be woven, such as stripes or checks, and extra float yarns could be introduced to create patterns as simple as dots and as elaborate as flowers, vines and lace motifs. The Victoria & Albert holds a French Merchant's silk book of 1764 which shows a variety of silks, including simple patterned ones which could be left plain or embroidered.
- This lightweight Siskin Green & Bright Pink Crossbar Corded Silk is suitable for ladies' Gowns, Skirts, Jackets, Mantles, Pelisses, Men's Wrapping Gowns, Waistcoats, Linings and Accessories. Also suitable for household applications such as bed or window treatments.
- This silk displays occasional slubbing. This characteristic is found in a variety of 18thc silks we have examined
- 100% Silk, 54 inches wide.
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