Stone Lightweight Shalloon- $18.00 yd.


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Stone Lightweight Shalloon

Described by Montgomery as a “cheap twilled worsted” shalloons, such as this Stone Lightweight Shalloon, were twilled on both sides, with the threads visible. They could be hot pressed (glazed) or not. Advertisements show broadcloths of various colors with shalloons to match. Surviving menswear often has shalloon as the lining material. We have come across shalloons in our research with the Foundling Hospital textile tokens, surmising that these cheap stuffs may have found their way into clothing of what was referred to as the lower sorts of the time.

  • This Stone Lightweight Shalloon is lightweight, with a complex weave.
  • Suitable for women's gowns, jackets, petticoats, men’s waistcoats, lightweight coats and jackets, lightweight trousers, linings, aprons, mitts and accessories, as well as children’s gowns.
  • 100% Worsted Wool, 63 inches wide.

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