Dark Natural & Cream Herringbone Linen Ticking -Remnants- $16.00 yd.


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Dark Natural & Cream Herringbone Linen Ticking

Tickings or “ticken”, such as this Natural & Cream Herringbone Linen "Ticking", encompassed a group of twill woven linens. It was woven both as a plain twill and, in the case of most examples we have studied, a herringbone weave. Herringbone was any textile woven in a zigzag pattern resembling the bones of a herring. They were woven in all pattern widths from very narrow to quite wide. Stays surviving in the collection of Dunvegan Castle, Scotland are covered in ticking and purported to have been owned by Flora McDonald, with a date of 1770-80. 

  • Our Dark Natural & Cream Herringbone Linen Ticking is medium weight.
  • Suitable for gowns, jackets, men's waistcoats, stays, children’s clothing, linings, pockets, and other utilitarian needs such as bed tickings and bolsters.
  • 100% Czech Linen, 59 inches wide.

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