Black Linen Checked "Dimity" - $16.00 yd.


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Black Linen Checked "Dimity"

The textile term "Dimity" encompasses any number of harness-loomed patterned fabrics, made of linen, such as this Black Linen Checked "Dimity", linen/cotton, or cotton. Most often left white, it was known by its patterns, such as striped, corded, diaper, diamond, flowered and figured. Used in clothing as well as home furnishings, it was woven in a variety of weights.  The Manchester region of England became a center for manufacturing of dimities, and survives still in swatch books in various museum collections.  Surviving clothing of dimity in collections includes children's clothing, petticoats, waistcoats, breeches and jackets.

Striped dimity, one of the common patterns found in extant clothing, ranged from very light to quite stout. Throughout the 18th century, dimity is either described with no color, or the color white. Often it is associated with summer wear for this reason, as well as it's cleanability. It also survives in extant swatch books in white. The exception to this is an advertisement in the Public Advertiser, dated July 6, 1758 in which 1 piece blue Dimity Calico is offered for sale.  By the early 19th century however, many colors of dimity begin to appear.

  • This Black Linen Checked "Dimity" is lightweight with checked cords.
  • Suitable for women's jackets, gowns, petticoats, and accessories such as handkerchiefs or mantelets, children's clothing, as well as household uses, such as bed hangings or curtains.
  • Great for your modern makes.
  • 100% Irish Linen, 60 inches wide.

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