Regency Pelisses & Spencers: Outerwear for 1800-1825



Friday afternoon, June 6th - Sunday, June 8th

Registration opens Wednesday, March 5th by pre-approval only

The high-waisted female silhouette of the early 19th century inspired new forms of outerwear for women. Short spencers and full length pelisses could add warmth or fashion to a woman’s wardrobe, depending on the materials from which they were made. These garments can be found in sheer cottons and lightweight silks for dressing up a gown, and in heavy wool for protection from the rain and snow. As they were initially based on men’s garments, spencers and pelisses could also showcase masculine and military elements such as intricate braided trim.

This  2 ½ day  workshop, led by Samantha Bullat, will include:

  • An examination of images of spencers/pelisses during this period that chart the evolution of styles.

  • Demonstration of drafting sleeve patterns based on period methods.

  • Demonstration of all stitching & construction techniques needed to hand stitch and finish the garment.

  • Demonstration of making common trim styles.

  • Participants working with a partner to fit their garment. 

Due to time restraints, participants are required to bring with them previously cut and fit 1800-25 bodice lining shapes in muslin. These shapes will be used to cut the lining for the gown incorporating any adjustments to achieve the desired silhouette. The spencer/pelisse will then be built upon this lining. Suggestions for patterns with which to start will be included in the expectations & supplies list.  

A 19th century shift/chemise, under-petticoat, a well-fitted 1800-25 corset, and an 1800-25 gown (if spencer/pelisse will be worn over a gown) are required for this class in order to properly fit your spencer/pelisse. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will have their spencer/pelisse well under construction, and will have the knowledge to complete it on their own. Please be prepared for “homework” on both Friday and Saturday nights!

This workshop is an ADVANCED LEVEL 3. Participants are expected  to have solid hand sewing skills and experience in creating other early 19th century dresses using a pattern or from a previous workshop.  As such, all those interested in this workshop must fill out the following questionnaire:  Pre-Approval Form.  We will then:

  • Contact you by email to let you know if you are pre-approved or not 

  • If approved a registration link will be sent to you on Tuesday, March 4th.

  • Registration by that link will open at 12:30 pm EDT on Wednesday, March 5th.

Workshop cost of $ 325* includes: 2 1/2 day workshop and muslin for fittings.

Class size will be limited to 12 Participants


Because of the nature and enrollment limitation of our workshops, we regret that we are unable to give a full refund for a cancellation.  If you cancel 30 or more days prior to the workshop, we will refund your fee less a $50 cancellation fee. If you cancel less than 30 days prior to the workshop, we will have to charge the full amount of the workshop unless we are able to fill your slot, in that event you will be charged only the $50 cancellation fee.